A couple of weeks ago, Baby B cut her one-year-old molars. I had forgotten until that point how horrible the incoming molars made my babies feel! Baby B was restless and grouchy, and I immediately used all of the tools in my Teething Baby arsenal to help calm her. Here’s what I currently have in my “Teething Baby Survival Kit” to help my little girl through her painful teething stage. After three baby girls, I’ve found some great things that really work to relieve sore gums!
Red cheeks, crankiness, drooling and excess biting are all tell-tale signs that Baby is teething. As soon as I saw that Baby B was teething, I grabbed all of my trusty teething relief supplies and got to work helping her feel better.
Here’s what’s currently in my Teething Baby Survival Kit:
- A textured soother that Baby can suck and chew on
- A mesh feeder that I can put frozen fruit in for Baby to munch on (the cold really helps!)
- Camilia homeopathic medicine to reduce teething symptoms
- A refillable squishy bag to put cold, homemade fruit smoothies in
- A favourite DIY blankie for comfort and extra snuggles!
Some medicine mixed with lots of cold treats and plain ol’ snuggles are my secret teething weapons.
I started using Camilia with my second baby, and I find that it really seems to reduce my girls’ teething pain. I love that it comes in single doses that are easy to administer.
When we’re in the throes of teething, I’ll pop a few doses in my purse and I can easily administer them to Baby B when I’m out and about. Camilia is made with sterile water and contains no sugar, no colouring and no preservatives. You can give 3 to 6 unit-doses per 24 hours, during 3 to 8 days.
Have you tried Camilia? Are you curious to try it out on your teething little one? Click right here to get a $2 off coupon for Boiron children’s products.
Tell me: what’s in YOUR teething baby survival kit that’s helped you both get through the teeth-cutting stage?
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Boiron Canada. As always, all of the opinions here are purely my own.